Pioneering real-time transactions with global reach
An ambitious UX constructed at incredible speed.

Dream team dynamics meet tough requirements and immovable timelines.
As the engineering arm of a multi-agency team, Aleph planned and executed a cost and time efficient roadmap for Nium’s marketing team to launch their new website, and worked closely with several teams to offer support to their ongoing efforts to expand their offerings and campaigns. Rebuild
A set of comprehensive sketches for a new website were presented to us by the superb folks at Dayani and Fred&Ted. They were filled with giant splashes of bright colors and smart interactive flourishes, the kinds of stuff Aleph loves to build.
With an urgent need to push the project forward along aggressive timelines, we engaged in a lightning-fast, top-down rebuild of Nium’s front-facing website in support of bold new brand messaging and rapid platform improvements.
Coordinating with a global team of IT and DevOps staff, Aleph built and launched a completely re-imagined user interface and content management platform for the website. We delivered code and platform enhancements spanning multiple vendors and platforms, and packaged up our work adhering to stringent, secure hosting requirements provided by the Nium team.
- Full-Stack Engineering
- Web Accessibility
- Cloud DevOps
- SEO + Analytics